Learn Hub - 5 Principles of Design

The following website illustrates the principle of contrast.

creativepark website

The contrast between black and white draws the user's attention to the most important parts. Additionlly, the difference in font size helps guide the user.


CXL - 8 Web Design Principles that Still Work in 2020

Ebay is a great example of simplifying content with white space.

ebay's website

With so much content on Ebay's website, it can be easy to overwhelm a user. By using white space, the website is more easily navigated and user friendly


Learn Hub - 5 Principles of Design is a great example of utilizing repitition. The following images show the header and footer of the mobile Python page.

python-header python-footer

As you can see the color scheme of blue and yellow is consistent from the header all the way to the footer.
